If you’re contemplating a hip or knee operation, consider this: The Cape Hip and Knee surgical team has a combined 68 years of expertise, having completed more than 10,257 joint replacements, and published 152 academic papers.

Professor Garth Grobler, Dr Brendan Dower, and Dr Marc Nortje’s reputation as leading orthopaedic surgeons in Cape Town has been achieved through a collaborative and innovative approach to joint surgery. Based in Pinelands, Cape Town, the team specialises in complex and revision surgeries and utilises the dedicated orthopaedic theatre at Life Orthopaedic Hospital.

We understand that the decision to have a hip replacement or knee replacement surgery is not taken lightly, which is why our priority is to help you make the right choice to restore your mobility and quality of life.


A surgical operation aiming to replace a damaged or diseased hip joint. The most common form of damage seen is Arthritis.

Total Hip Replacement

A surgical operation designed to replace your damaged knee joint. The knee is replaced by an artificial joint, which is a replica of your own.

Total Knee Replacement

A complex surgical operation performed in individuals who have already undergone knee or hip replacement surgery and have experienced complications and/or failure of the surgery. Part of, or all replacements need to be revised. Read more by clicking on the links below.

Hip Revision Surgery

Knee Revision Surgery

Hip Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat problems in the hip joint. Your surgeon will make very small incisions in your hip, inserting a camera called an arthroscope into one incision and small instruments into the others.

Hip Arthroscopy

A knee arthroscopy, or keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive procedure that enables orthopaedic surgeons to perform minor procedures or diagnostic tests.
Knee Arthroscopy
Prof Garth Grobler

Prof Garth Grobler

Professor Grobler is 64 years old and married with two children. As a keen cyclist, he has completed 32 sequential Argus cycle tours. Professor Grobler brings 30 years of exclusive hip and knee replacement experience to the team and has personally performed more than 6000 joint replacements. He was the head of arthroplasty at the Princess Alice Orthopaedic and Groote Schuur Hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa, and has remained intimately involved in teaching and research. Garth’s enthusiasm for orthopaedics is unparalleled, and he is the trusted voice for challenging and complex orthopaedic issues.
Dr Brendan Dower

Dr Brendan Dower

Dr Dower is 54 years old, married with three children and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. As an elite mountain biker, he has completed three Cape Epic mountain bike races. Brendan also enjoys water sports and regularly windsurfs, kite surfs or surfs in Cape Town’s ideal conditions. Dr Dower has a particular interest in helping young patients who wish to return to impact sport. He also performs complex hip and knee revision surgery, with Dr Grobler as an assistant, and is an expert in hip arthroscopy, performing more than 500 procedures.

Dr Marc Nortje

Dr Marc Nortje

Dr Nortje is 45 years old and married with two children. He is a natural athlete and achieved provincial colours in swimming and water polo, and continues to spend time in the water, paddling and surfing. Marc is also an avid mountain biker. Dr Nortje took over from Garth Grobler as the head of Arthroplasty at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. In this unique partnership he provides the link to the academic hospital and has ensured that Cape Hip & Knee remains involved in orthopaedic research. Marc is a specialist hip and knee reconstruction surgeon performing all the complex surgeries at Groote Schuur Hospital and fully trained in hip arthroscopy with more than 10 years of experience.