Knee Arthroscopy
A knee arthroscopy, or keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive knee surgery that enables the orthopaedic surgeon to perform minor procedures or diagnostic tests in the treatment of knee conditions and/or elimination of knee pain.

Do I need knee arthroscopic surgery?
Degenerative conditions or injuries to the cartilage (a torn meniscus) may cause disorders of movement (‘locked knee’) requiring removal or debridement of the loose cartilage.
Minor chondral damage can be treated with chondroplasty procedures.
Diagnostic procedures such as a biopsy looking for infection can be helpful in the management of a painful knee replacement.
Patients may need to use crutches for a few days while the small wounds heal and rest, ice, compress and elevate the joint to reduce swelling and pain. While it is fairly uncommon, there is a risk of blood clots occurring after arthroscopic knee surgery, so patients should always take it easy and work with the Cape, Hip & Knee nursing staff when in recovery.
Find out more information on our article page and your pathway to surgery.